Taxonomic Ambiguity — web archive

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bilingual website · essays · typography

Taxonomic Ambiguity is a project initiated by the Center of Tropical Malaise that takes a close look at the politics of scientific language, specifically at the ways in which it deploys coloniality, exploitation and epistemic extractivism, with a particular interest in a Latin American perspective.

This project is born as a reaction to the currently standard way of aestheticizing and watering down delicate, conflicting issues, instead of trying to actually create deeper, meaningful, and more nuanced understandings. It is a multidisciplinary project that will be structured around various epicenters: a film, a typeface, sound recordings, and a digital collection of essays. The project operates with a decolonial approach, trying to echo the following principle: there’s no single way to pin down all the aristas and complexities of reality; therefore, a multiplicity of viewpoints and voices are needed to achieve a wider, thicker understanding of our shared world.


version in english:
versión en español:

Ana Cristina Suzina
Christopher Rey Pérez
María Paz Amaro
Tania Hernández Velasco
Ye Liu

Isabel Rubio
Maité Iracheta
Desiree Hof

Typeface design
Mateo Broillet

Michelle Mildenberg

Web design & development
Aficionado Studio

This project and the research that led to it were graciously supported by Stimuleringsfonds NL.